Decoding Fallout 4's Pip-Boy database with a community of vault dwellers
After making a post about discovering running Fallout 4 servers and relaying them, in only a few days, the full protocol from Fallout 4 was decoded. Several packages for interacting with the Fallout 4 server have been posted:
- Node.js - pipboylib
- Go - pipboygo
- Ruby - pippipe, pipparse
- Python - pypipboy, pipulator
- Java - PipBoyClient
- .NET - Fallout4-PipBoy
Beyond bindings, there are a also several documentation efforts to bring together information about the overall protocol:
And several UI efforts:
- Electron app - pipboy
- Node.js server - pipboyclient
- Go server - pipboygo
The pipboylib bindings culminated in the beginnings of the Electron app, pipboy:
The intention with the pipboy
Electron app is to create a cross-platform
Pip-Boy UI for Fallout 4 that for running on a separate screen that is approachable
for others to add on to. Electron forms the foundation for all
this by using standard web tech: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with Chromium and Node.js.
If you're familiar with the Docker suite, Kitematic is
also an Electron app.
Having this basis makes it really easy to build things like a Pip-Boy database viewer:
We'd welcome your contributions in pull requests, patches, and issues over at RobCoIndustries/pipboy.